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Bases: ABC

Source code in src/distilabel/llm/
class LLM(ABC):
    def __init__(
        task: Task,
        num_threads: Union[int, None] = None,
        prompt_format: Union["SupportedFormats", None] = None,
        prompt_formatting_fn: Union[Callable[..., str], None] = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Initializes the LLM base class.

            This class is intended to be used internally, but you anyone can still create
            a subclass, implement the `abstractmethod`s and use it.

            task (Task): the task to be performed by the LLM.
            num_threads (Union[int, None], optional): the number of threads to be used
                for parallel generation. If `None`, no parallel generation will be performed.
                Defaults to `None`.
            prompt_format (Union["SupportedFormats", None], optional): the format to be used
                for the prompt. If `None`, the default format of the task will be used, available
                formats are `openai`, `chatml`, `llama2`, `zephyr`, and `default`. Defaults to `None`,
                but `default` (concatenation of `system_prompt` and `formatted_prompt` with a line-break)
                will be used if no `prompt_formatting_fn` is provided.
            prompt_formatting_fn (Union[Callable[..., str], None], optional): a function to be
                applied to the prompt before generation. If `None`, no formatting will be applied.
                Defaults to `None`.
        self.task = task

        self.thread_pool_executor = (
            if num_threads is not None
            else None

        self.prompt_format = prompt_format
        self.prompt_formatting_fn = prompt_formatting_fn

    def __del__(self) -> None:
        """Shuts down the thread pool executor if it is not `None`."""
        if self.thread_pool_executor is not None:

    def num_threads(self) -> Union[int, None]:
        if self.thread_pool_executor:
            return self.thread_pool_executor._max_workers

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(task={self.task.__class__.__name__}, num_threads={self.num_threads}, promp_format='{self.prompt_format}', model='{self.model_name}')"

    def __rich_repr__(self) -> Generator[Any, None, None]:
        yield "task", self.task
        yield "num_threads", self.num_threads
        yield "prompt_format", self.prompt_format
        if self.prompt_formatting_fn is not None:
            args = f"({', '.join(self.prompt_formatting_fn.__code__.co_varnames)})"
            representation = self.prompt_formatting_fn.__name__ + args
            yield "prompt_formatting_fn", representation
        yield "model", self.model_name

    def model_name(self) -> str:

    def _generate_prompts(
        inputs: List[Dict[str, Any]],
        default_format: Union["SupportedFormats", None] = None,
        expected_output_type: Type = str,
    ) -> List[Any]:
        """Generates the prompts to be used for generation.

            inputs (List[Dict[str, Any]]): the inputs to be used for generation.
            default_format (Union["SupportedFormats", None], optional): the default format to be used
                for the prompt if no `prompt_format` is specified. Defaults to `None`.
            expected_output_type (Type, optional): the expected type of the prompt. Defaults to `str`.

            List[Any]: the generated prompts.

            ValueError: if the generated prompt is not of the expected type.
        prompts = []
        for input in inputs:
            prompt = self.task.generate_prompt(**input)
            if not isinstance(prompt, Prompt) and self.prompt_formatting_fn is not None:
                    "The method `generate_prompt` is not returning a `Prompt` class but a prompt"
                    f" of `type={type(prompt)}`, meaning that a pre-formatting has already been"
                    " applied in the `task.generate_prompt` method, so the usage of a `prompt_formatting_fn`"
                    " is discouraged.",
                prompt = self.prompt_formatting_fn(prompt)
            elif isinstance(prompt, Prompt) and self.prompt_formatting_fn is None:
                if self.prompt_format is not None or default_format is not None:
                    prompt = prompt.format_as(
                        format=self.prompt_format or default_format  # type: ignore
                        "No `prompt_format` has been specified and no `default_format` is set, so"
                        " the prompt will be concatenated with a line-break and no specific formatting"
                        " by default.",
                    prompt = prompt.format_as(format="default")
            if not isinstance(prompt, expected_output_type):
                raise ValueError(
                    f"The provided `prompt={prompt}` is of `type={type(prompt)}`, but it must be of"
                    f" `type={expected_output_type}`, so make sure that `task.generate_prompt` returns"
                    f" a `{expected_output_type}` or that the `formatting_fn` formats the prompt as a "
                    f" `{expected_output_type}`."
        return prompts

    def _generate(
        self, inputs: List[Dict[str, Any]], num_generations: int = 1
    ) -> List[List["LLMOutput"]]:

    def generate(
        inputs: List[Dict[str, Any]],
        num_generations: int = 1,
        progress_callback_func: Union[Callable, None] = None,
    ) -> Union[List[Future[List["LLMOutput"]]], List[List["LLMOutput"]]]:
        """Generates the outputs for the given inputs using the LLM.

            inputs (List[Dict[str, Any]]): the inputs to be used for generation.
            num_generations (int, optional): the number of generations to be performed for each input.
                Defaults to `1`.
            progress_callback_func (Union[Callable, None], optional): a function to be called at each
                generation step. Defaults to `None`.

            Union[List[Future[List["LLMOutput"]]], List[List["LLMOutput"]]]: the generated outputs.

        def _progress():
            if progress_callback_func is not None:
                advance = (
                    num_generations * len(inputs)
                    if not self.return_futures
                    else num_generations

        if self.thread_pool_executor is not None:
            futures = []
            for input in inputs:
                future = self.thread_pool_executor.submit(
                    self._generate, [input], num_generations
                future.add_done_callback(lambda _: _progress())
            return futures

        generations = self._generate(inputs, num_generations)
        return generations

    def return_futures(self) -> bool:
        """Returns whether the LLM returns futures or not."""
        return self.thread_pool_executor is not None

return_futures: bool property

Returns whether the LLM returns futures or not.


Shuts down the thread pool executor if it is not None.

Source code in src/distilabel/llm/
def __del__(self) -> None:
    """Shuts down the thread pool executor if it is not `None`."""
    if self.thread_pool_executor is not None:

__init__(task, num_threads=None, prompt_format=None, prompt_formatting_fn=None)

Initializes the LLM base class.


This class is intended to be used internally, but you anyone can still create a subclass, implement the abstractmethods and use it.


Name Type Description Default
task Task

the task to be performed by the LLM.

num_threads Union[int, None]

the number of threads to be used for parallel generation. If None, no parallel generation will be performed. Defaults to None.

prompt_format Union['SupportedFormats', None]

the format to be used for the prompt. If None, the default format of the task will be used, available formats are openai, chatml, llama2, zephyr, and default. Defaults to None, but default (concatenation of system_prompt and formatted_prompt with a line-break) will be used if no prompt_formatting_fn is provided.

prompt_formatting_fn Union[Callable[..., str], None]

a function to be applied to the prompt before generation. If None, no formatting will be applied. Defaults to None.

Source code in src/distilabel/llm/
def __init__(
    task: Task,
    num_threads: Union[int, None] = None,
    prompt_format: Union["SupportedFormats", None] = None,
    prompt_formatting_fn: Union[Callable[..., str], None] = None,
) -> None:
    """Initializes the LLM base class.

        This class is intended to be used internally, but you anyone can still create
        a subclass, implement the `abstractmethod`s and use it.

        task (Task): the task to be performed by the LLM.
        num_threads (Union[int, None], optional): the number of threads to be used
            for parallel generation. If `None`, no parallel generation will be performed.
            Defaults to `None`.
        prompt_format (Union["SupportedFormats", None], optional): the format to be used
            for the prompt. If `None`, the default format of the task will be used, available
            formats are `openai`, `chatml`, `llama2`, `zephyr`, and `default`. Defaults to `None`,
            but `default` (concatenation of `system_prompt` and `formatted_prompt` with a line-break)
            will be used if no `prompt_formatting_fn` is provided.
        prompt_formatting_fn (Union[Callable[..., str], None], optional): a function to be
            applied to the prompt before generation. If `None`, no formatting will be applied.
            Defaults to `None`.
    self.task = task

    self.thread_pool_executor = (
        if num_threads is not None
        else None

    self.prompt_format = prompt_format
    self.prompt_formatting_fn = prompt_formatting_fn

generate(inputs, num_generations=1, progress_callback_func=None)

Generates the outputs for the given inputs using the LLM.


Name Type Description Default
inputs List[Dict[str, Any]]

the inputs to be used for generation.

num_generations int

the number of generations to be performed for each input. Defaults to 1.

progress_callback_func Union[Callable, None]

a function to be called at each generation step. Defaults to None.



Type Description
Union[List[Future[List['LLMOutput']]], List[List['LLMOutput']]]

Union[List[Future[List["LLMOutput"]]], List[List["LLMOutput"]]]: the generated outputs.

Source code in src/distilabel/llm/
def generate(
    inputs: List[Dict[str, Any]],
    num_generations: int = 1,
    progress_callback_func: Union[Callable, None] = None,
) -> Union[List[Future[List["LLMOutput"]]], List[List["LLMOutput"]]]:
    """Generates the outputs for the given inputs using the LLM.

        inputs (List[Dict[str, Any]]): the inputs to be used for generation.
        num_generations (int, optional): the number of generations to be performed for each input.
            Defaults to `1`.
        progress_callback_func (Union[Callable, None], optional): a function to be called at each
            generation step. Defaults to `None`.

        Union[List[Future[List["LLMOutput"]]], List[List["LLMOutput"]]]: the generated outputs.

    def _progress():
        if progress_callback_func is not None:
            advance = (
                num_generations * len(inputs)
                if not self.return_futures
                else num_generations

    if self.thread_pool_executor is not None:
        futures = []
        for input in inputs:
            future = self.thread_pool_executor.submit(
                self._generate, [input], num_generations
            future.add_done_callback(lambda _: _progress())
        return futures

    generations = self._generate(inputs, num_generations)
    return generations