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Text generation


Bases: Argilla

Step that creates a dataset in Argilla during the load phase, and then pushes the input batches into it as records. This dataset is a text-generation dataset, where there's one field per each input, and then a label question to rate the quality of the completion in either bad (represented with 👎) or good (represented with 👍).


This step is meant to be used in conjunction with a TextGeneration step and no column mapping is needed, as it will use the default values for the instruction and generation columns.


Name Type Description

The name of the dataset in Argilla.


The workspace where the dataset will be created in Argilla. Defaults to None, which means it will be created in the default workspace.


The URL of the Argilla API. Defaults to None, which means it will be read from the ARGILLA_API_URL environment variable.


The API key to authenticate with Argilla. Defaults to None, which means it will be read from the ARGILLA_API_KEY environment variable.

Runtime parameters
  • api_url: The base URL to use for the Argilla API requests.
  • api_key: The API key to authenticate the requests to the Argilla API.
Input columns
  • instruction (str): The instruction that was used to generate the completion.
  • generation (str or List[str]): The completions that were generated based on the input instruction.
Source code in src/distilabel/steps/argilla/
class TextGenerationToArgilla(Argilla):
    """Step that creates a dataset in Argilla during the load phase, and then pushes the input
    batches into it as records. This dataset is a text-generation dataset, where there's one field
    per each input, and then a label question to rate the quality of the completion in either bad
    (represented with 👎) or good (represented with 👍).

        This step is meant to be used in conjunction with a `TextGeneration` step and no column mapping
        is needed, as it will use the default values for the `instruction` and `generation` columns.

        dataset_name: The name of the dataset in Argilla.
        dataset_workspace: The workspace where the dataset will be created in Argilla. Defaults to
            `None`, which means it will be created in the default workspace.
        api_url: The URL of the Argilla API. Defaults to `None`, which means it will be read from
            the `ARGILLA_API_URL` environment variable.
        api_key: The API key to authenticate with Argilla. Defaults to `None`, which means it will
            be read from the `ARGILLA_API_KEY` environment variable.

    Runtime parameters:
        - `api_url`: The base URL to use for the Argilla API requests.
        - `api_key`: The API key to authenticate the requests to the Argilla API.

    Input columns:
        - instruction (`str`): The instruction that was used to generate the completion.
        - generation (`str` or `List[str]`): The completions that were generated based on the input instruction.

    _id: str = PrivateAttr(default="id")
    _instruction: str = PrivateAttr(...)
    _generation: str = PrivateAttr(...)

    def load(self) -> None:
        """Sets the `_instruction` and `_generation` attributes based on the `inputs_mapping`, otherwise
        uses the default values; and then uses those values to create a `FeedbackDataset` suited for
        the text-generation scenario. And then it pushes it to Argilla.

        self._instruction = self.input_mappings.get("instruction", "instruction")
        self._generation = self.input_mappings.get("generation", "generation")

        if self._rg_dataset_exists():
            _rg_dataset = rg.FeedbackDataset.from_argilla(

            for field in _rg_dataset.fields:
                if (
           not in [self._id, self._instruction, self._generation]
                    and field.required
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"The dataset {self.dataset_name} in the workspace {self.dataset_workspace} already exists,"
                        f" but contains at least a required field that is neither `{self._id}`, `{self._instruction}`"
                        f", nor `{self._generation}`."

            self._rg_dataset = _rg_dataset
            _rg_dataset = rg.FeedbackDataset(
                    rg.TextField(name=self._id, title=self._id),  # type: ignore
                    rg.TextField(name=self._instruction, title=self._instruction),  # type: ignore
                    rg.TextField(name=self._generation, title=self._generation),  # type: ignore
                    rg.LabelQuestion(  # type: ignore
                        title=f"What's the quality of the {self._generation} for the given {self._instruction}?",
                        labels={"bad": "👎", "good": "👍"},
            self._rg_dataset = _rg_dataset.push_to_argilla(
                name=self.dataset_name, workspace=self.dataset_workspace

    def inputs(self) -> List[str]:
        """The inputs for the step are the `instruction` and the `generation`."""
        return ["instruction", "generation"]

    def process(self, inputs: StepInput) -> "StepOutput":  # type: ignore
        """Creates and pushes the records as FeedbackRecords to the Argilla dataset.

            inputs: A list of Python dictionaries with the inputs of the task.

            A list of Python dictionaries with the outputs of the task.
        records = []
        for input in inputs:
            # Generate the SHA-256 hash of the instruction to use it as the metadata
            instruction_id = hashlib.sha256(

            generations = input["generation"]

            # If the `generation` is not a list, then convert it into a list
            if not isinstance(generations, list):
                generations = [generations]

            # Create a `generations_set` to avoid adding duplicates
            generations_set = set()

            for generation in generations:
                # If the generation is already in the set, then skip it
                if generation in generations_set:
                # Otherwise, add it to the set

                            self._id: instruction_id,
                            self._instruction: input["instruction"],
                            self._generation: generation,
        self._rg_dataset.add_records(records)  # type: ignore
        yield inputs

inputs: List[str] property

The inputs for the step are the instruction and the generation.


Sets the _instruction and _generation attributes based on the inputs_mapping, otherwise uses the default values; and then uses those values to create a FeedbackDataset suited for the text-generation scenario. And then it pushes it to Argilla.

Source code in src/distilabel/steps/argilla/
def load(self) -> None:
    """Sets the `_instruction` and `_generation` attributes based on the `inputs_mapping`, otherwise
    uses the default values; and then uses those values to create a `FeedbackDataset` suited for
    the text-generation scenario. And then it pushes it to Argilla.

    self._instruction = self.input_mappings.get("instruction", "instruction")
    self._generation = self.input_mappings.get("generation", "generation")

    if self._rg_dataset_exists():
        _rg_dataset = rg.FeedbackDataset.from_argilla(

        for field in _rg_dataset.fields:
            if (
       not in [self._id, self._instruction, self._generation]
                and field.required
                raise ValueError(
                    f"The dataset {self.dataset_name} in the workspace {self.dataset_workspace} already exists,"
                    f" but contains at least a required field that is neither `{self._id}`, `{self._instruction}`"
                    f", nor `{self._generation}`."

        self._rg_dataset = _rg_dataset
        _rg_dataset = rg.FeedbackDataset(
                rg.TextField(name=self._id, title=self._id),  # type: ignore
                rg.TextField(name=self._instruction, title=self._instruction),  # type: ignore
                rg.TextField(name=self._generation, title=self._generation),  # type: ignore
                rg.LabelQuestion(  # type: ignore
                    title=f"What's the quality of the {self._generation} for the given {self._instruction}?",
                    labels={"bad": "👎", "good": "👍"},
        self._rg_dataset = _rg_dataset.push_to_argilla(
            name=self.dataset_name, workspace=self.dataset_workspace


Creates and pushes the records as FeedbackRecords to the Argilla dataset.


Name Type Description Default
inputs StepInput

A list of Python dictionaries with the inputs of the task.



Type Description

A list of Python dictionaries with the outputs of the task.

Source code in src/distilabel/steps/argilla/
def process(self, inputs: StepInput) -> "StepOutput":  # type: ignore
    """Creates and pushes the records as FeedbackRecords to the Argilla dataset.

        inputs: A list of Python dictionaries with the inputs of the task.

        A list of Python dictionaries with the outputs of the task.
    records = []
    for input in inputs:
        # Generate the SHA-256 hash of the instruction to use it as the metadata
        instruction_id = hashlib.sha256(

        generations = input["generation"]

        # If the `generation` is not a list, then convert it into a list
        if not isinstance(generations, list):
            generations = [generations]

        # Create a `generations_set` to avoid adding duplicates
        generations_set = set()

        for generation in generations:
            # If the generation is already in the set, then skip it
            if generation in generations_set:
            # Otherwise, add it to the set

                        self._id: instruction_id,
                        self._instruction: input["instruction"],
                        self._generation: generation,
    self._rg_dataset.add_records(records)  # type: ignore
    yield inputs