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Distilabel Pipelines automatically save all the intermediate steps to to avoid losing any data in case of error.

Cache directory

Out of the box, the Pipeline will use the ~/.cache/distilabel/pipelines directory to store the different pipelines1:

from distilabel.pipeline.local import Pipeline

with Pipeline(name="cache_testing") as pipeline:

This directory can be modified by setting the DISTILABEL_CACHE_DIR environment variable (export DISTILABEL_CACHE_DIR=my_cache_dir) or by explicitly passing the cache_dir variable to the Pipeline constructor like so:

with Pipeline(name="cache_testing", cache_dir="~/my_cache_dir") as pipeline:

How does it work?

Let's take a look at the logging messages from a sample pipeline.

When we run a Pipeline for the first time

Pipeline 1

If we decide to stop the pipeline (say we kill the run altogether via CTRL + C or CMD + C in macOS), we will see the signal sent to the different workers:

Pipeline 2

After this step, when we run again the pipeline, the first log message we see corresponds to "Load pipeline from cache", which will restart processing from where it stopped:

Pipeline 3

Finally, if we decide to run the same Pipeline after it has finished completely, it won't start again but resume the process, as we already have all the data processed:

Pipeline 4


Let's see what gets serialized by looking at a sample Pipeline's cached folder:

$ tree ~/.cache/distilabel/pipelines/73ca3f6b7a613fb9694db7631cc038d379f1f533
├── batch_manager.json
├── batch_manager_steps
   ├── generate_response.json
   └── rename_columns.json
├── data
   └── generate_response
       ├── 00001.parquet
       └── 00002.parquet
└── pipeline.yaml

The Pipeline will have a signature created from the arguments that define it so we can find it afterwards, and the contents are the following:

  • batch_manager.json

    Folder that stores the content of the internal batch manager to keep track of the data. Along with the batch_manager_steps/ they store the information to restart the Pipeline. One shouldn't need to know about it.

  • pipeline.yaml

    This file contains a representation of the Pipeline in YAML format. If we push a Distiset to the Hugging Face Hub as obtained from calling, this file will be stored at our datasets' repository, allowing to reproduce the Pipeline using the CLI:

    distilabel pipeline run --config "path/to/pipeline.yaml"
  • data/

    Folder that stores the data generated, with a special folder to keep track of each leaf_step separately. We can recreate a Distiset from the contents of this folder (Parquet files), as we will see next.

  • pipeline.log

    This file stores the logs that the Pipeline generated while processing. Just as with the pipeline.yaml file, it will be pushed to the Hugging Face Hub datasets` repository to keep track of the information.


In case we wanted to regenerate the dataset from the cache, we can do it using the create_distiset function and passing the path to the /data folder inside our Pipeline:

from pathlib import Path
from distilabel.distiset import create_distiset

path = Path("~/.cache/distilabel/pipelines/73ca3f6b7a613fb9694db7631cc038d379f1f533/data")
ds = create_distiset(path)
# Distiset({
#     generate_response: DatasetDict({
#         train: Dataset({
#             features: ['instruction', 'response'],
#             num_rows: 80
#         })
#     })
# })


Internally, the function will try to inject the pipeline_path variable if it's not passed via argument, assuming it's in the parent directory of the current one, called pipeline.yaml. If the file doesn't exist, it won't raise any error, but take into account that if the Distiset is pushed to the Hugging Face Hub, the pipeline.yaml won't be generated. The same happens with the pipeline.log file, it can be passed via log_filename_path, but it will try to locate it automatically.

Lastly, there is the option of including the distilabel_metadata column in the final dataset. This column can contain custom metadata generated automatically by the pipeline, like the raw output from an LLM without formatting in case of failure, and we can decide whether to include it using the enable_metadata argument.

  1. The pipelines will be organized according to the pipeline's name attribute, and then by the hash, in case you want to look for something manually, like the following example:

    $ tree ~/.cache/distilabel/pipelines/
    ├── cache_testing
       └── 13da04d2cc255b2180d6bebb50fb5be91124f70d
           ├── batch_manager.json
           ├── batch_manager_steps
              └── succeed_always_0.json
           ├── data
              └── succeed_always_0
                  └── 00001.parquet
           ├── pipeline.log
           └── pipeline.yaml
    └── test-pipe
        └── f23b95d7ad4e9301a70b2a54c953f8375ebfcd5c
            ├── batch_manager.json
            ├── batch_manager_steps
               └── text_generation_0.json
            ├── data
               └── text_generation_0
                   └── 00001.parquet
            ├── pipeline.log
            └── pipeline.yaml