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The GeneratorTask is a custom implementation of a Task, but based on GeneratorStep; which means that will essentially be similar to the standard Task, but without the need of providing any input data, as the data will be generated as part of the GeneratorTask execution.


This task is still experimental and may be subject to changes in the future, since apparently it's not the most efficient way to generate data, but it's a good way to generate data on the fly without the need of providing any input data.

Working with GeneratorTasks

The subclasses of GeneratorTask are intended to be used within the scope of a Pipeline, which will orchestrate the different tasks defined; but nonetheless, they can be used standalone if needed too.

These tasks will basically expect no input data, but generate data as part of the process method of the parent class. Say you have a GeneratorTask that generates text from a pre-defined instruction:

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union
from typing_extensions import override

from distilabel.steps.tasks.base import GeneratorTask
from distilabel.steps.tasks.typing import ChatType
from distilabel.steps.typing import GeneratorOutput

class MyCustomTask(GeneratorTask):
    instruction: str

    def process(self, offset: int = 0) -> GeneratorOutput:
        output = self.llm.generate(
                    {"role": "user", "content": self.instruction},
        output = {"model_name": self.llm.model_name}
            self.format_output(output=output, input=None)
        yield output

    def outputs(self) -> List[str]:
        return ["output_field", "model_name"]

    def format_output(
        self, output: Union[str, None], input: Dict[str, Any]
    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        return {"output_field": output}

To then use it as:

task = MyCustomTask(
    instruction="Tell me a joke.",

# [{'output_field": "Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding!", "model_name": "gpt-4"}]


Most of the times you would need to override the default process method, as it's suited for the standard Task and not for the GeneratorTask. But within the context of the process function you can freely use the llm to generate data in any way.


The load method needs to be called ALWAYS if using the tasks as standalone, otherwise, if the Pipeline context manager is used, there's no need to call that method, since it will be automatically called on; but in any other case the method load needs to be called from the parent class e.g. a GeneratorTask with an LLM will need to call GeneratorTask.load to load both the task and the LLM.

Defining custom GeneratorTasks

In order to define custom tasks, we need to inherit from the Task class and implement the format_input and format_output methods, as well as setting the properties inputs and outputs, as for Step subclasses.

So on, the following will need to be defined:

  • process: is a method that generates the data based on the LLM and the instruction provided within the class instance, and returns a dictionary with the output data formatted as needed i.e. with the values for the columns in outputs. Note that the inputs argument is not allowed in this function since this is not a Task but a GeneratorTask, so no input data is expected; so the signature only expects the offset argument, which is used to keep track of the current iteration in the generator.

  • outputs: is a property that returns a list of strings with the names of the output fields. Note that since all the Task subclasses are designed to work with a single LLM, this property should always include model_name as one of the outputs, since that's automatically injected from the LLM.

  • format_output: is a method that receives the output from the LLM and optionally also the input data (which may be useful to build the output in some scenarios), and returns a dictionary with the output data formatted as needed i.e. with the values for the columns in outputs. Note that there's no need to include the model_name in the output, since that's automatically injected from the LLM in the process method of the Task.

Once those methods have been implemented, the task can be used as any other task, and it will be able to generate text based on the input data.

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union

from distilabel.steps.tasks.base import GeneratorTask
from distilabel.steps.tasks.typing import ChatType

class MyCustomTask(GeneratorTask):
    def process(self, offset: int = 0) -> GeneratorOutput:
        output = self.llm.generate(
                [{"role": "user", "content": "Tell me a joke."}],
        output = {"model_name": self.llm.model_name}
            self.format_output(output=output, input=None)
        yield output

    def outputs(self) -> List[str]:
        return ["output_field", "model_name"]

    def format_output(
        self, output: Union[str, None], input: Dict[str, Any]
    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        return {"output_field": output}