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Generate evolved instructions using an LLM.

WizardLM: Empowering Large Language Models to Follow Complex Instructions


  • num_instructions: The number of instructions to be generated.

  • generate_answers: Whether to generate answers for the instructions or not. Defaults to False.

  • mutation_templates: The mutation templates to be used for the generation of the instructions.

  • min_length: Defines the length (in bytes) that the generated instruction needs to be higher than, to be considered valid. Defaults to 512.

  • max_length: Defines the length (in bytes) that the generated instruction needs to be lower than, to be considered valid. Defaults to 1024.

  • seed: The seed to be set for numpy in order to randomly pick a mutation method. Defaults to 42.

Runtime Parameters

  • min_length: Defines the length (in bytes) that the generated instruction needs to be higher than, to be considered valid.

  • max_length: Defines the length (in bytes) that the generated instruction needs to be lower than, to be considered valid.

  • seed: The seed to be set for numpy in order to randomly pick a mutation method.

Input & Output Columns

graph TD
    subgraph Dataset
        subgraph New columns

    subgraph EvolInstructGenerator
        StepOutput[Output Columns: instruction, answer, instructions, model_name]

    StepOutput --> OCOL0
    StepOutput --> OCOL1
    StepOutput --> OCOL2
    StepOutput --> OCOL3


  • instruction (str): The generated instruction if generate_answers=False.

  • answer (str): The generated answer if generate_answers=True.

  • instructions (List[str]): The generated instructions if generate_answers=True.

  • model_name (str): The name of the LLM used to generate and evolve the instructions.
