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Pipeline Typing


DownstreamConnectable = Union['Step', 'GlobalStep'] module-attribute

Alias for the Step types that can be connected as downstream steps.

UpstreamConnectableSteps = TypeVar('UpstreamConnectableSteps', bound=Union['Step', 'GlobalStep', 'GeneratorStep']) module-attribute

Type for the Step types that can be connected as upstream steps.

DownstreamConnectableSteps = TypeVar('DownstreamConnectableSteps', bound=DownstreamConnectable, covariant=True) module-attribute

Type for the Step types that can be connected as downstream steps.

PipelineRuntimeParametersInfo = Dict[str, Union[List['RuntimeParameterInfo'], Dict[str, 'RuntimeParameterInfo']]] module-attribute

Alias for the information of the runtime parameters of a Pipeline.

InputDataset = Union['Dataset', 'pd.DataFrame', List[Dict[str, str]]] module-attribute

Alias for the types we can process as input dataset.


Bases: TypedDict

Dict containing information about if one step was loaded/unloaded or if it's load failed

Source code in src/distilabel/pipeline/
class StepLoadStatus(TypedDict):
    """Dict containing information about if one step was loaded/unloaded or if it's load

    name: str
    status: Literal["loaded", "unloaded", "load_failed"]