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This section contains the API reference for the distilabel tasks.

For more information on how the Task works and see some examples, check the Tutorial - Task page.


Bases: _Step, ABC

_Task is an abstract class that implements the _Step interface and adds the format_input and format_output methods to format the inputs and outputs of the task. It also adds a llm attribute to be used as the LLM to generate the outputs.


Name Type Description
llm LLM

the LLM to be used to generate the outputs of the task.

group_generations bool

whether to group the num_generations generated per input in a list or create a row per generation. Defaults to False.

add_raw_output RuntimeParameter[bool]

whether to include a field with the raw output of the LLM in the distilabel_metadata field of the output. Can be helpful to not loose data with Tasks that need to format the output of the LLM. Defaults to False.

num_generations RuntimeParameter[int]

The number of generations to be produced per input.

Source code in src/distilabel/steps/tasks/
class _Task(_Step, ABC):
    """_Task is an abstract class that implements the `_Step` interface and adds the
    `format_input` and `format_output` methods to format the inputs and outputs of the
    task. It also adds a `llm` attribute to be used as the LLM to generate the outputs.

        llm: the `LLM` to be used to generate the outputs of the task.
        group_generations: whether to group the `num_generations` generated per input in
            a list or create a row per generation. Defaults to `False`.
        add_raw_output: whether to include a field with the raw output of the LLM in the
            `distilabel_metadata` field of the output. Can be helpful to not loose data
            with `Tasks` that need to format the output of the `LLM`. Defaults to `False`.
        num_generations: The number of generations to be produced per input.

    llm: LLM

    group_generations: bool = False
    add_raw_output: RuntimeParameter[bool] = Field(
            "Whether to include the raw output of the LLM in the key `raw_output_<TASK_NAME>`"
            " of the `distilabel_metadata` dictionary output column"
    num_generations: RuntimeParameter[int] = Field(
        default=1, description="The number of generations to be produced per input."

    def load(self) -> None:
        """Loads the LLM via the `LLM.load()` method."""

    def unload(self) -> None:
        """Unloads the LLM."""
        self._logger.debug("Executing task unload logic.")

    def format_output(
        output: Union[str, None],
        input: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None,
    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Abstract method to format the outputs of the task. It needs to receive an output
        as a string, and generates a Python dictionary with the outputs of the task. In
        addition the `input` used to generate the output is also received just in case it's
        needed to be able to parse the output correctly.

    def _format_outputs(
        outputs: "GenerateOutput",
        inputs: Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], None] = None,
    ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
        """Formats the outputs of the task using the `format_output` method. If the output
        is `None` (i.e. the LLM failed to generate a response), then the outputs will be
        set to `None` as well.

            outputs: The outputs of the LLM.
            inputs: The inputs used to generate the outputs.

            A list containing a dictionary with the outputs of the task for each input.
        if inputs is None:
            inputs = [None]  # type: ignore

        formatted_outputs = []
        for output, input in zip(outputs, inputs * len(outputs)):  # type: ignore
                formatted_output = self.format_output(output, input)
                formatted_output = self._maybe_add_raw_output(
                    add_raw_output=self.add_raw_output,  # type: ignore
            except Exception as e:
                self._logger.warning(  # type: ignore
                    f"Task '{}' failed to format output: {e}. Saving raw response."  # type: ignore
                formatted_outputs.append(self._output_on_failure(output, input))
        return formatted_outputs

    def _output_on_failure(
        self, output: Union[str, None], input: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None
    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """In case of failure to format the output, this method will return a dictionary including
        a new field `distilabel_meta` with the raw output of the LLM.
        # Create a dictionary with the outputs of the task (every output set to None)
        outputs = {output: None for output in self.outputs}
        outputs["model_name"] = self.llm.model_name  # type: ignore
        outputs = self._maybe_add_raw_output(
            add_raw_output=self.add_raw_output,  # type: ignore
        return outputs

    def _maybe_add_raw_output(
        output: Dict[str, Any],
        raw_output: Union[str, None],
        add_raw_output: bool = True,
    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Adds the raw output of the LLM to the output dictionary if `add_raw_output` is True."""
        if add_raw_output:
            meta = output.get(DISTILABEL_METADATA_KEY, {})
            meta[f"raw_output_{}"] = raw_output
            output[DISTILABEL_METADATA_KEY] = meta
        return output

format_output(output, input=None) abstractmethod

Abstract method to format the outputs of the task. It needs to receive an output as a string, and generates a Python dictionary with the outputs of the task. In addition the input used to generate the output is also received just in case it's needed to be able to parse the output correctly.

Source code in src/distilabel/steps/tasks/
def format_output(
    output: Union[str, None],
    input: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Abstract method to format the outputs of the task. It needs to receive an output
    as a string, and generates a Python dictionary with the outputs of the task. In
    addition the `input` used to generate the output is also received just in case it's
    needed to be able to parse the output correctly.


Loads the LLM via the LLM.load() method.

Source code in src/distilabel/steps/tasks/
def load(self) -> None:
    """Loads the LLM via the `LLM.load()` method."""


Unloads the LLM.

Source code in src/distilabel/steps/tasks/
def unload(self) -> None:
    """Unloads the LLM."""
    self._logger.debug("Executing task unload logic.")


Bases: _Task, Step

Task is a class that implements the _Task abstract class and adds the Step interface to be used as a step in the pipeline.


Name Type Description

the LLM to be used to generate the outputs of the task.


whether to group the num_generations generated per input in a list or create a row per generation. Defaults to False.


The number of generations to be produced per input.

Source code in src/distilabel/steps/tasks/
class Task(_Task, Step):
    """Task is a class that implements the `_Task` abstract class and adds the `Step`
    interface to be used as a step in the pipeline.

        llm: the `LLM` to be used to generate the outputs of the task.
        group_generations: whether to group the `num_generations` generated per input in
            a list or create a row per generation. Defaults to `False`.
        num_generations: The number of generations to be produced per input.

    def format_input(self, input: Dict[str, Any]) -> "FormattedInput":
        """Abstract method to format the inputs of the task. It needs to receive an input
        as a Python dictionary, and generates an OpenAI chat-like list of dicts."""

    def _format_inputs(self, inputs: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> List["FormattedInput"]:
        """Formats the inputs of the task using the `format_input` method.

            inputs: A list of Python dictionaries with the inputs of the task.

            A list containing the formatted inputs, which are `ChatType`-like following
            the OpenAI formatting.
        return [self.format_input(input) for input in inputs]

    def process(self, inputs: StepInput) -> "StepOutput":  # type: ignore
        """Processes the inputs of the task and generates the outputs using the LLM.

            inputs: A list of Python dictionaries with the inputs of the task.

            A list of Python dictionaries with the outputs of the task.

        formatted_inputs = self._format_inputs(inputs)

        outputs = self.llm.generate(
            num_generations=self.num_generations,  # type: ignore
            **self.llm.get_generation_kwargs(),  # type: ignore

        task_outputs = []
        for input, input_outputs in zip(inputs, outputs):
            formatted_outputs = self._format_outputs(input_outputs, inputs)

            if self.group_generations:
                combined = combine_dicts(*formatted_outputs)
                    {**input, **combined, "model_name": self.llm.model_name}

            # Create a row per generation
            for formatted_output in formatted_outputs:
                    {**input, **formatted_output, "model_name": self.llm.model_name}

        yield task_outputs

format_input(input) abstractmethod

Abstract method to format the inputs of the task. It needs to receive an input as a Python dictionary, and generates an OpenAI chat-like list of dicts.

Source code in src/distilabel/steps/tasks/
def format_input(self, input: Dict[str, Any]) -> "FormattedInput":
    """Abstract method to format the inputs of the task. It needs to receive an input
    as a Python dictionary, and generates an OpenAI chat-like list of dicts."""


Processes the inputs of the task and generates the outputs using the LLM.


Name Type Description Default
inputs StepInput

A list of Python dictionaries with the inputs of the task.



Type Description

A list of Python dictionaries with the outputs of the task.

Source code in src/distilabel/steps/tasks/
def process(self, inputs: StepInput) -> "StepOutput":  # type: ignore
    """Processes the inputs of the task and generates the outputs using the LLM.

        inputs: A list of Python dictionaries with the inputs of the task.

        A list of Python dictionaries with the outputs of the task.

    formatted_inputs = self._format_inputs(inputs)

    outputs = self.llm.generate(
        num_generations=self.num_generations,  # type: ignore
        **self.llm.get_generation_kwargs(),  # type: ignore

    task_outputs = []
    for input, input_outputs in zip(inputs, outputs):
        formatted_outputs = self._format_outputs(input_outputs, inputs)

        if self.group_generations:
            combined = combine_dicts(*formatted_outputs)
                {**input, **combined, "model_name": self.llm.model_name}

        # Create a row per generation
        for formatted_output in formatted_outputs:
                {**input, **formatted_output, "model_name": self.llm.model_name}

    yield task_outputs