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This section contains the API reference for the distilabel generator tasks.

For more information on how the GeneratorTask works and see some examples, check the Tutorial - Task - GeneratorTask page.


Bases: _Task, GeneratorStep

GeneratorTask is a class that implements the _Task abstract class and adds the GeneratorStep interface to be used as a step in the pipeline.


Name Type Description

the LLM to be used to generate the outputs of the task.


whether to group the num_generations generated per input in a list or create a row per generation. Defaults to False.


The number of generations to be produced per input.

Source code in src/distilabel/steps/tasks/
class GeneratorTask(_Task, GeneratorStep):
    """`GeneratorTask` is a class that implements the `_Task` abstract class and adds the
    `GeneratorStep` interface to be used as a step in the pipeline.

        llm: the `LLM` to be used to generate the outputs of the task.
        group_generations: whether to group the `num_generations` generated per input in
            a list or create a row per generation. Defaults to `False`.
        num_generations: The number of generations to be produced per input.
