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sentence-transformers library implementation for embedding generation.


  • model: the model Hugging Face Hub repo id or a path to a directory containing the model weights and configuration files.

  • device: the name of the device used to load the model e.g. "cuda", "mps", etc. Defaults to None.

  • prompts: a dictionary containing prompts to be used with the model. Defaults to None.

  • default_prompt_name: the default prompt (in prompts) that will be applied to the inputs. If not provided, then no prompt will be used. Defaults to None.

  • trust_remote_code: whether to allow fetching and executing remote code fetched from the repository in the Hub. Defaults to False.

  • revision: if model refers to a Hugging Face Hub repository, then the revision (e.g. a branch name or a commit id) to use. Defaults to "main".

  • token: the Hugging Face Hub token that will be used to authenticate to the Hugging Face Hub. If not provided, the HF_TOKEN environment or huggingface_hub package local configuration will be used. Defaults to None.

  • truncate_dim: the dimension to truncate the sentence embeddings. Defaults to None.

  • model_kwargs: extra kwargs that will be passed to the Hugging Face transformers model class. Defaults to None.

  • tokenizer_kwargs: extra kwargs that will be passed to the Hugging Face transformers tokenizer class. Defaults to None.

  • config_kwargs: extra kwargs that will be passed to the Hugging Face transformers configuration class. Defaults to None.

  • precision: the dtype that will have the resulting embeddings. Defaults to "float32".

  • normalize_embeddings: whether to normalize the embeddings so they have a length of 1. Defaults to None.


Generating sentence embeddings

from distilabel.embeddings import SentenceTransformerEmbeddings

embeddings = SentenceTransformerEmbeddings(model="mixedbread-ai/mxbai-embed-large-v1")


results = embeddings.encode(inputs=["distilabel is awesome!", "and Argilla!"])
# [
#   [-0.05447685346007347, -0.01623094454407692, ...],
#   [4.4889533455716446e-05, 0.044016145169734955, ...],
# ]