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Assign a score to a response using a Reward Model.

RewardModelScore is a Step that using a Reward Model (RM) loaded using transformers, assigns an score to a response generated for an instruction, or a score to a multi-turn conversation.


  • model: the model Hugging Face Hub repo id or a path to a directory containing the model weights and configuration files.

  • revision: if model refers to a Hugging Face Hub repository, then the revision (e.g. a branch name or a commit id) to use. Defaults to "main".

  • torch_dtype: the torch dtype to use for the model e.g. "float16", "float32", etc. Defaults to "auto".

  • trust_remote_code: whether to allow fetching and executing remote code fetched from the repository in the Hub. Defaults to False.

  • device_map: a dictionary mapping each layer of the model to a device, or a mode like "sequential" or "auto". Defaults to None.

  • token: the Hugging Face Hub token that will be used to authenticate to the Hugging Face Hub. If not provided, the HF_TOKEN environment or huggingface_hub package local configuration will be used. Defaults to None.

  • truncation: whether to truncate sequences at the maximum length. Defaults to False.

  • max_length: maximun length to use for padding or truncation. Defaults to None.

Input & Output Columns

graph TD
    subgraph Dataset
        subgraph Columns
        subgraph New columns

    subgraph RewardModelScore
        StepInput[Input Columns: instruction, response, conversation]
        StepOutput[Output Columns: score]

    ICOL0 --> StepInput
    ICOL1 --> StepInput
    ICOL2 --> StepInput
    StepOutput --> OCOL0
    StepInput --> StepOutput


  • instruction (str, optional): the instruction used to generate a response. If provided, then response must be provided too.

  • response (str, optional): the response generated for instruction. If provided, then instruction must be provide too.

  • conversation (ChatType, optional): a multi-turn conversation. If not provided, then instruction and response columns must be provided.


  • score (float): the score given by the reward model for the instruction-response pair or the conversation.


response pair

from distilabel.steps import RewardModelScore

step = RewardModelScore(
    model="RLHFlow/ArmoRM-Llama3-8B-v0.1", device_map="auto", trust_remote_code=True


result = next(
                "instruction": "How much is 2+2?",
                "response": "The output of 2+2 is 4",
            {"instruction": "How much is 2+2?", "response": "4"},
# [
#   {'instruction': 'How much is 2+2?', 'response': 'The output of 2+2 is 4', 'score': 0.11690367758274078},
#   {'instruction': 'How much is 2+2?', 'response': '4', 'score': 0.10300665348768234}
# ]

turn conversation

from distilabel.steps import RewardModelScore

step = RewardModelScore(
    model="RLHFlow/ArmoRM-Llama3-8B-v0.1", device_map="auto", trust_remote_code=True


result = next(
                "conversation": [
                    {"role": "user", "content": "How much is 2+2?"},
                    {"role": "assistant", "content": "The output of 2+2 is 4"},
                "conversation": [
                    {"role": "user", "content": "How much is 2+2?"},
                    {"role": "assistant", "content": "4"},
# [
#   {'conversation': [{'role': 'user', 'content': 'How much is 2+2?'}, {'role': 'assistant', 'content': 'The output of 2+2 is 4'}], 'score': 0.11690367758274078},
#   {'conversation': [{'role': 'user', 'content': 'How much is 2+2?'}, {'role': 'assistant', 'content': '4'}], 'score': 0.10300665348768234}
# ]