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Generate task descriptions for embedding-related tasks using an LLM.

EmbeddingTaskGenerator is a GeneratorTask that doesn't receieve any input besides the provided attributes that generates task descriptions for embedding-related tasks using a pre-defined prompt based on the category attribute. The category attribute should be one of the following:

- `text-retrieval`: Generate task descriptions for text retrieval tasks.
- `text-matching-short`: Generate task descriptions for short text matching tasks.
- `text-matching-long`: Generate task descriptions for long text matching tasks.
- `text-classification`: Generate task descriptions for text classification tasks.


  • category: The category of the task to be generated, which can either be text-retrieval, text-matching-short, text-matching-long, or text-classification.

  • flatten_tasks: Whether to flatten the tasks i.e. since a list of tasks is generated by the LLM, this attribute indicates whether to flatten the list or not. Defaults to False, meaning that running this task with num_generations=1 will return a distilabel.Distiset with one row only containing a list with around 20 tasks; otherwise, if set to True, it will return a distilabel.Distiset with around 20 rows, each containing one task.

Input & Output Columns

graph TD
    subgraph Dataset

    subgraph EmbeddingTaskGenerator


Generate embedding tasks for text retrieval

from distilabel.pipeline import Pipeline
from distilabel.steps.tasks import EmbeddingTaskGenerator

with Pipeline("my-pipeline") as pipeline:
    task = EmbeddingTaskGenerator(
        llm=...,  # LLM instance


    task >> ...
