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Rank generations focusing on different aspects using an LLM.

UltraFeedback: Boosting Language Models with High-quality Feedback.


  • aspect: The aspect to perform with the UltraFeedback model. The available aspects are: - helpfulness: Evaluate text outputs based on helpfulness. - honesty: Evaluate text outputs based on honesty. - instruction-following: Evaluate text outputs based on given instructions. - truthfulness: Evaluate text outputs based on truthfulness. Additionally, a custom aspect has been defined by Argilla, so as to evaluate the overall assessment of the text outputs within a single prompt. The custom aspect is: - overall-rating: Evaluate text outputs based on an overall assessment. Defaults to "overall-rating".

Input & Output Columns

graph TD
    subgraph Dataset
        subgraph Columns
        subgraph New columns

    subgraph UltraFeedback
        StepInput[Input Columns: instruction, generations]
        StepOutput[Output Columns: ratings, rationales, model_name]

    ICOL0 --> StepInput
    ICOL1 --> StepInput
    StepOutput --> OCOL0
    StepOutput --> OCOL1
    StepOutput --> OCOL2
    StepInput --> StepOutput


  • instruction (str): The reference instruction to evaluate the text outputs.

  • generations (List[str]): The text outputs to evaluate for the given instruction.


  • ratings (List[float]): The ratings for each of the provided text outputs.

  • rationales (List[str]): The rationales for each of the provided text outputs.

  • model_name (str): The name of the model used to generate the ratings and rationales.


Rate generations from different LLMs based on the selected aspect

from distilabel.steps.tasks import UltraFeedback
from distilabel.llms.huggingface import InferenceEndpointsLLM

# Consider this as a placeholder for your actual LLM.
ultrafeedback = UltraFeedback(


result = next(
                "instruction": "How much is 2+2?",
                "generations": ["4", "and a car"],
# result
# [
#     {
#         'instruction': 'How much is 2+2?',
#         'generations': ['4', 'and a car'],
#         'ratings': [1, 2],
#         'rationales': ['explanation for 4', 'explanation for and a car'],
#         'model_name': 'mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2',
#     }
# ]

Rate generations from different LLMs based on the honesty, using the default structured output

from distilabel.steps.tasks import UltraFeedback
from distilabel.llms.huggingface import InferenceEndpointsLLM

# Consider this as a placeholder for your actual LLM.
ultrafeedback = UltraFeedback(


result = next(
                "instruction": "How much is 2+2?",
                "generations": ["4", "and a car"],
# result
# [{'instruction': 'How much is 2+2?',
# 'generations': ['4', 'and a car'],
# 'ratings': [5, 1],
# 'rationales': ['The response is correct and confident, as it directly answers the question without expressing any uncertainty or doubt.',
# "The response is confidently incorrect, as it provides unrelated information ('a car') and does not address the question. The model shows no uncertainty or indication that it does not know the answer."],
# 'distilabel_metadata': {'raw_output_ultra_feedback_0': '{"ratings": [\n    5,\n    1\n] \n\n,"rationales": [\n    "The response is correct and confident, as it directly answers the question without expressing any uncertainty or doubt.",\n    "The response is confidently incorrect, as it provides unrelated information ('a car') and does not address the question. The model shows no uncertainty or indication that it does not know the answer."\n] }'},
# 'model_name': 'meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3.1-70B-Instruct'}]

Rate generations from different LLMs based on the helpfulness, using the default structured output

from distilabel.steps.tasks import UltraFeedback
from distilabel.llms.huggingface import InferenceEndpointsLLM

# Consider this as a placeholder for your actual LLM.
ultrafeedback = UltraFeedback(
        generation_kwargs={"max_new_tokens": 512},


result = next(
                "instruction": "How much is 2+2?",
                "generations": ["4", "and a car"],
# result
# [{'instruction': 'How much is 2+2?',
#   'generations': ['4', 'and a car'],
#   'ratings': [1, 5],
#   'rationales': ['Text 1 is clear and relevant, providing the correct answer to the question. It is also not lengthy and does not contain repetition. However, it lacks comprehensive information or detailed description.',
#    'Text 2 is neither clear nor relevant to the task. It does not provide any useful information and seems unrelated to the question.'],
#   'rationales_for_rating': ['Text 1 is rated as Correct (3) because it provides the accurate answer to the question, but lacks comprehensive information or detailed description.',
#    'Text 2 is rated as Severely Incorrect (1) because it does not provide any relevant information and seems unrelated to the question.'],
#   'types': [1, 3, 1],
#   'distilabel_metadata': {'raw_output_ultra_feedback_0': '{ \n  "ratings": [\n    1,\n    5\n  ]\n ,\n  "rationales": [\n    "Text 1 is clear and relevant, providing the correct answer to the question. It is also not lengthy and does not contain repetition. However, it lacks comprehensive information or detailed description.",\n    "Text 2 is neither clear nor relevant to the task. It does not provide any useful information and seems unrelated to the question."\n  ]\n ,\n  "rationales_for_rating": [\n    "Text 1 is rated as Correct (3) because it provides the accurate answer to the question, but lacks comprehensive information or detailed description.",\n    "Text 2 is rated as Severely Incorrect (1) because it does not provide any relevant information and seems unrelated to the question."\n  ]\n ,\n  "types": [\n    1, 3,\n    1\n  ]\n  }'},
#   'model_name': 'meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3.1-70B-Instruct'}]
