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This section contains the reference for the @step decorator, used to create new Step subclasses without having to manually define the class.

For more information check the Tutorial - Step page.


step(inputs=None, outputs=None, step_type='normal')

Creates an Step from a processing function.


Name Type Description Default
inputs Union[StepColumns, None]

a list containing the name of the inputs columns/keys or a dictionary where the keys are the columns and the values are booleans indicating whether the column is required or not, that are required by the step. If not provided the default will be an empty list [] and it will be assumed that the step doesn't need any specific columns. Defaults to None.

outputs Union[StepColumns, None]

a list containing the name of the outputs columns/keys or a dictionary where the keys are the columns and the values are booleans indicating whether the column will be generated or not. If not provided the default will be an empty list [] and it will be assumed that the step doesn't need any specific columns. Defaults to None.

step_type Literal['normal', 'global', 'generator']

the kind of step to create. Valid choices are: "normal" (Step), "global" (GlobalStep) or "generator" (GeneratorStep). Defaults to "normal".



Type Description
Callable[..., Type[_Step]]

A callable that will generate the type given the processing function.


# Normal step
@step(inputs=["instruction"], outputs=["generation"])
def GenerationStep(inputs: StepInput, dummy_generation: RuntimeParameter[str]) -> StepOutput:
    for input in inputs:
        input["generation"] = dummy_generation
    yield inputs

# Global step
@step(inputs=["instruction"], step_type="global")
def FilteringStep(inputs: StepInput, max_length: RuntimeParameter[int] = 256) -> StepOutput:
    yield [
        for input in inputs
        if len(input["instruction"]) <= max_length

# Generator step
@step(outputs=["num"], step_type="generator")
def RowGenerator(num_rows: RuntimeParameter[int] = 500) -> GeneratorStepOutput:
    data = list(range(num_rows))
    for i in range(0, len(data), 100):
        last_batch = i + 100 >= len(data)
        yield [{"num": num} for num in data[i : i + 100]], last_batch
Source code in src/distilabel/steps/
def step(
    inputs: Union["StepColumns", None] = None,
    outputs: Union["StepColumns", None] = None,
    step_type: Literal["normal", "global", "generator"] = "normal",
) -> Callable[..., Type["_Step"]]:
    """Creates an `Step` from a processing function.

        inputs: a list containing the name of the inputs columns/keys or a dictionary
            where the keys are the columns and the values are booleans indicating whether
            the column is required or not, that are required by the step. If not provided
            the default will be an empty list `[]` and it will be assumed that the step
            doesn't need any specific columns. Defaults to `None`.
        outputs: a list containing the name of the outputs columns/keys or a dictionary
            where the keys are the columns and the values are booleans indicating whether
            the column will be generated or not. If not provided the default will be an
            empty list `[]` and it will be assumed that the step doesn't need any specific
            columns. Defaults to `None`.
        step_type: the kind of step to create. Valid choices are: "normal" (`Step`),
            "global" (`GlobalStep`) or "generator" (`GeneratorStep`). Defaults to

        A callable that will generate the type given the processing function.


    # Normal step
    @step(inputs=["instruction"], outputs=["generation"])
    def GenerationStep(inputs: StepInput, dummy_generation: RuntimeParameter[str]) -> StepOutput:
        for input in inputs:
            input["generation"] = dummy_generation
        yield inputs

    # Global step
    @step(inputs=["instruction"], step_type="global")
    def FilteringStep(inputs: StepInput, max_length: RuntimeParameter[int] = 256) -> StepOutput:
        yield [
            for input in inputs
            if len(input["instruction"]) <= max_length

    # Generator step
    @step(outputs=["num"], step_type="generator")
    def RowGenerator(num_rows: RuntimeParameter[int] = 500) -> GeneratorStepOutput:
        data = list(range(num_rows))
        for i in range(0, len(data), 100):
            last_batch = i + 100 >= len(data)
            yield [{"num": num} for num in data[i : i + 100]], last_batch

    inputs = inputs or []
    outputs = outputs or []

    def decorator(func: ProcessingFunc) -> Type["_Step"]:
        if step_type not in _STEP_MAPPING:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Invalid step type '{step_type}'. Please, review the '{func.__name__}'"
                " function decorated with the `@step` decorator and provide a valid"
                " `step_type`. Valid choices are: 'normal', 'global' or 'generator'."

        BaseClass = _STEP_MAPPING[step_type]

        signature = inspect.signature(func)

        runtime_parameters = {
            name: (
                param.default if param.default != param.empty else None,
            for name, param in signature.parameters.items()

        runtime_parameters = {}
        step_input_parameter = None
        for name, param in signature.parameters.items():
            if is_parameter_annotated_with(param, _RUNTIME_PARAMETER_ANNOTATION):
                runtime_parameters[name] = (
                    param.default if param.default != param.empty else None,

            if not step_type == "generator" and is_parameter_annotated_with(
                param, _STEP_INPUT_ANNOTATION
                if step_input_parameter is not None:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"Function '{func.__name__}' has more than one parameter annotated"
                        f" with `StepInput`. Please, review the '{func.__name__}' function"
                        " decorated with the `@step` decorator and provide only one"
                        " argument annotated with `StepInput`."
                step_input_parameter = param

        RuntimeParametersModel = create_model(  # type: ignore
            **runtime_parameters,  # type: ignore

        def inputs_property(self) -> List[str]:
            return inputs

        def outputs_property(self) -> List[str]:
            return outputs

        def process(
            self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any
        ) -> Union["StepOutput", "GeneratorStepOutput"]:
            return func(*args, **kwargs)

        return type(  # type: ignore
                "process": process,
                "inputs": property(inputs_property),
                "outputs": property(outputs_property),
                "__module__": func.__module__,
                "__doc__": func.__doc__,
                "_built_from_decorator": True,
                # Override the `get_process_step_input` method to return the parameter
                # of the original function annotated with `StepInput`.
                "get_process_step_input": lambda self: step_input_parameter,

    return decorator