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vLLM library LLM implementation.


  • model: the model Hugging Face Hub repo id or a path to a directory containing the model weights and configuration files.

  • dtype: the data type to use for the model. Defaults to auto.

  • trust_remote_code: whether to trust the remote code when loading the model. Defaults to False.

  • quantization: the quantization mode to use for the model. Defaults to None.

  • revision: the revision of the model to load. Defaults to None.

  • tokenizer: the tokenizer Hugging Face Hub repo id or a path to a directory containing the tokenizer files. If not provided, the tokenizer will be loaded from the model directory. Defaults to None.

  • tokenizer_mode: the mode to use for the tokenizer. Defaults to auto.

  • tokenizer_revision: the revision of the tokenizer to load. Defaults to None.

  • skip_tokenizer_init: whether to skip the initialization of the tokenizer. Defaults to False.

  • chat_template: a chat template that will be used to build the prompts before sending them to the model. If not provided, the chat template defined in the tokenizer config will be used. If not provided and the tokenizer doesn't have a chat template, then ChatML template will be used. Defaults to None.

  • structured_output: a dictionary containing the structured output configuration or if more fine-grained control is needed, an instance of OutlinesStructuredOutput. Defaults to None.

  • seed: the seed to use for the random number generator. Defaults to 0.

  • extra_kwargs: additional dictionary of keyword arguments that will be passed to the LLM class of vllm library. Defaults to {}.

  • _model: the vLLM model instance. This attribute is meant to be used internally and should not be accessed directly. It will be set in the load method.

  • _tokenizer: the tokenizer instance used to format the prompt before passing it to the LLM. This attribute is meant to be used internally and should not be accessed directly. It will be set in the load method.

  • use_magpie_template: a flag used to enable/disable applying the Magpie pre-query template. Defaults to False.

  • magpie_pre_query_template: the pre-query template to be applied to the prompt or sent to the LLM to generate an instruction or a follow up user message. Valid values are "llama3", "qwen2" or another pre-query template provided. Defaults to None.

Runtime Parameters

  • extra_kwargs: additional dictionary of keyword arguments that will be passed to the LLM class of vllm library.


Generate text

from distilabel.llms import vLLM

# You can pass a custom chat_template to the model
llm = vLLM(
    chat_template="[INST] {{ messages[0]"content" }}\n{{ messages[1]"content" }}[/INST]",


# Call the model
output = llm.generate_outputs(inputs=[[{"role": "user", "content": "Hello world!"}]])

Generate structured data

from pathlib import Path
from distilabel.llms import vLLM

class User(BaseModel):
    name: str
    last_name: str
    id: int

llm = vLLM(
    structured_output={"format": "json", "schema": Character},


# Call the model
output = llm.generate_outputs(inputs=[[{"role": "user", "content": "Create a user profile for the following marathon"}]])