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Distilabel provides all the tools you need to your scalable and reliable pipelines for synthetic data generation and AI-feedback. Pipelines are used to generate data, evaluate models, manipulate data, or any other general task. They are made up of different components: Steps, Tasks and LLMs, which are chained together in a directed acyclic graph (DAG).

  • Steps: These are the building blocks of your pipeline. Normal steps are used for basic executions like loading data, applying some transformations, or any other general task.
  • Tasks: These are steps that rely on LLMs and prompts to perform generative tasks. For example, they can be used to generate data, evaluate models or manipulate data.
  • LLMs: These are the models that will perform the task. They can be local or remote models, and open-source or commercial models.

Pipelines are designed to be scalable and reliable. They can be executed in a distributed manner, and they can be cached and recovered. This is useful when dealing with large datasets or when you want to ensure that your pipeline is reproducible.

Besides that, pipelines are designed to be modular and flexible. You can easily add new steps, tasks, or LLMs to your pipeline, and you can also easily modify or remove them. An example architecture of a pipeline to generate a dataset of preferences is the following:


To install the latest release with hf-inference-endpoints extra of the package from PyPI you can use the following command:

pip install distilabel[hf-inference-endpoints] --upgrade

Define a pipeline

In this guide we will walk you through the process of creating a simple pipeline that uses the InferenceEndpointsLLM class to generate text. The Pipeline will load a dataset that contains a column named prompt from the Hugging Face Hub via the step LoadDataFromHub and then use the InferenceEndpointsLLM class to generate text based on the dataset using the TextGeneration task.

You can check the available models in the Hugging Face Model Hub and filter by Inference status.

from distilabel.llms import InferenceEndpointsLLM
from distilabel.pipeline import Pipeline
from distilabel.steps import LoadDataFromHub
from distilabel.steps.tasks import TextGeneration

with Pipeline(  # (1)
    description="A simple text generation pipeline",
) as pipeline:  # (2)
    load_dataset = LoadDataFromHub(  # (3)
        output_mappings={"prompt": "instruction"},

    text_generation = TextGeneration(  # (4)
        ),  # (5)

    load_dataset >> text_generation  # (6)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    distiset =  # (7)
                "repo_id": "distilabel-internal-testing/instruction-dataset-mini",
                "split": "test",
                "llm": {
                    "generation_kwargs": {
                        "temperature": 0.7,
                        "max_new_tokens": 512,
    distiset.push_to_hub(repo_id="distilabel-example")  # (8)
  1. We define a Pipeline with the name simple-text-generation-pipeline and a description A simple text generation pipeline. Note that the name is mandatory and will be used to calculate the cache signature path, so changing the name will change the cache path and will be identified as a different pipeline.

  2. We are using the Pipeline context manager, meaning that every Step subclass that is defined within the context manager will be added to the pipeline automatically.

  3. We define a LoadDataFromHub step named load_dataset that will load a dataset from the Hugging Face Hub, as provided via runtime parameters in the method below, but it can also be defined within the class instance via the arg repo_id=.... This step will produce output batches with the rows from the dataset, and the column prompt will be mapped to the instruction field.

  4. We define a TextGeneration task named text_generation that will generate text based on the instruction field from the dataset. This task will use the InferenceEndpointsLLM class with the model Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct.

  5. We define the InferenceEndpointsLLM class with the model Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct that will be used by the TextGeneration task. In this case, since the InferenceEndpointsLLM is used, we assume that the HF_TOKEN environment variable is set.

  6. We connect the load_dataset step to the text_generation task using the rshift operator, meaning that the output from the load_dataset step will be used as input for the text_generation task.

  7. We run the pipeline with the parameters for the load_dataset and text_generation steps. The load_dataset step will use the repository distilabel-internal-testing/instruction-dataset-mini and the test split, and the text_generation task will use the generation_kwargs with the temperature set to 0.7 and the max_new_tokens set to 512.

  8. Optionally, we can push the generated Distiset to the Hugging Face Hub repository distilabel-example. This will allow you to share the generated dataset with others and use it in other pipelines.