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Execute Steps and Tasks in a Pipeline

How to create a pipeline

Pipeline organise the Steps and Tasks in a sequence, where the output of one step is the input of the next one. A Pipeline should be created by making use of the context manager along with passing a name, and optionally a description.

from distilabel.pipeline import Pipeline

with Pipeline("pipe-name", description="My first pipe") as pipeline:

Connecting steps with the Step.connect method

Now, we can define the steps of our Pipeline.


Steps without predecessors (i.e. root steps), need to be GeneratorSteps such as LoadDataFromDicts or LoadDataFromHub. After this, other steps can be defined.

from distilabel.pipeline import Pipeline
from distilabel.steps import LoadDataFromHub

with Pipeline("pipe-name", description="My first pipe") as pipeline:
    load_dataset = LoadDataFromHub(name="load_dataset")

Easily load your datasets

If you are already used to work with Hugging Face's Dataset via load_dataset or pd.DataFrame, you can create the GeneratorStep directly from the dataset (or dataframe), and create the step with the help of make_generator_step:

from distilabel.pipeline import Pipeline
from distilabel.steps import make_generator_step

dataset = [{"instruction": "Tell me a joke."}]

with Pipeline("pipe-name", description="My first pipe") as pipeline:
    loader = make_generator_step(dataset, output_mappings={"prompt": "instruction"})
from datasets import load_dataset
from distilabel.pipeline import Pipeline
from distilabel.steps import make_generator_step

dataset = load_dataset(
    lambda r: r["avg_rating"]>=4 and r["num_responses"]>=2

with Pipeline("pipe-name", description="My first pipe") as pipeline:
    loader = make_generator_step(dataset, output_mappings={"prompt": "instruction"})
import pandas as pd
from distilabel.pipeline import Pipeline
from distilabel.steps import make_generator_step

dataset = pd.read_csv("path/to/dataset.csv")

with Pipeline("pipe-name", description="My first pipe") as pipeline:
    loader = make_generator_step(dataset, output_mappings={"prompt": "instruction"})

Next, we will use prompt column from the dataset obtained through LoadDataFromHub and use several LLMs to execute a TextGeneration task. We will also use the Task.connect() method to connect the steps, so the output of one step is the input of the next one.


The order of the execution of the steps will be determined by the connections of the steps. In this case, the TextGeneration tasks will be executed after the LoadDataFromHub step.

from distilabel.llms import MistralLLM, OpenAILLM, VertexAILLM
from distilabel.pipeline import Pipeline
from distilabel.steps import LoadDataFromHub
from distilabel.steps.tasks import TextGeneration

with Pipeline("pipe-name", description="My first pipe") as pipeline:
    load_dataset = LoadDataFromHub(name="load_dataset")

    for llm in (
        task = TextGeneration(name=f"text_generation_with_{llm.model_name}", llm=llm)


For each row of the dataset, the TextGeneration task will generate a text based on the instruction column and the LLM model, and store the result (a single string) in a new column called generation. Because we need to have the responses in the same column, we will add GroupColumns to combine them all in the same column as a list of strings.


In this case, the GroupColumns tasks will be executed after all TextGeneration steps.

from distilabel.llms import MistralLLM, OpenAILLM, VertexAILLM
from distilabel.pipeline import Pipeline
from distilabel.steps import GroupColumns, LoadDataFromHub
from distilabel.steps.tasks import TextGeneration

with Pipeline("pipe-name", description="My first pipe") as pipeline:
    load_dataset = LoadDataFromHub(name="load_dataset")

    combine_generations = GroupColumns(
        columns=["generation", "model_name"],
        output_columns=["generations", "model_names"],

    for llm in (
        task = TextGeneration(name=f"text_generation_with_{llm.model_name}", llm=llm)

Connecting steps with the >> operator

Besides the Step.connect method: step1.connect(step2), there's an alternative way by making use of the >> operator. We can connect steps in a more readable way, and it's also possible to connect multiple steps at once.

Each call to step1.connect(step2) has been exchanged by step1 >> step2 within the loop.

from distilabel.llms import MistralLLM, OpenAILLM, VertexAILLM
from distilabel.pipeline import Pipeline
from distilabel.steps import GroupColumns, LoadDataFromHub
from distilabel.steps.tasks import TextGeneration

with Pipeline("pipe-name", description="My first pipe") as pipeline:
    load_dataset = LoadDataFromHub(name="load_dataset")

    combine_generations = GroupColumns(
        columns=["generation", "model_name"],
        output_columns=["generations", "model_names"],

    for llm in (
        task = TextGeneration(name=f"text_generation_with_{llm.model_name}", llm=llm)
        load_dataset >> task >> combine_generations

Each task is first appended to a list, and then all the calls to connections are done in a single call.

from distilabel.llms import MistralLLM, OpenAILLM, VertexAILLM
from distilabel.pipeline import Pipeline
from distilabel.steps import GroupColumns, LoadDataFromHub
from distilabel.steps.tasks import TextGeneration

with Pipeline("pipe-name", description="My first pipe") as pipeline:
    load_dataset = LoadDataFromHub(name="load_dataset")

    combine_generations = GroupColumns(
        columns=["generation", "model_name"],
        output_columns=["generations", "model_names"],

    tasks = []
    for llm in (
            TextGeneration(name=f"text_generation_with_{llm.model_name}", llm=llm)

    load_dataset >> tasks >> combine_generations

Routing batches to specific downstream steps

In some pipelines, you may want to send batches from a single upstream step to specific downstream steps based on certain conditions. To achieve this, you can use a routing_batch_function. This function takes a list of downstream steps and returns a list of step names to which each batch should be routed.

Let's update the example above to route the batches loaded by the LoadDataFromHub step to just 2 of the TextGeneration tasks. First, we will create our custom routing_batch_function, and then we will update the pipeline to use it:

import random
from distilabel.llms import MistralLLM, OpenAILLM, VertexAILLM
from distilabel.pipeline import Pipeline, routing_batch_function
from distilabel.steps import GroupColumns, LoadDataFromHub
from distilabel.steps.tasks import TextGeneration

def sample_two_steps(steps: list[str]) -> list[str]:
    return random.sample(steps, 2)

with Pipeline("pipe-name", description="My first pipe") as pipeline:
    load_dataset = LoadDataFromHub(
        output_mappings={"prompt": "instruction"},

    tasks = []
    for llm in (
            TextGeneration(name=f"text_generation_with_{llm.model_name}", llm=llm)

    combine_generations = GroupColumns(
        columns=["generation", "model_name"],
        output_columns=["generations", "model_names"],

    load_dataset >> sample_two_steps >> tasks >> combine_generations

The routing_batch_function that we just built is a common one, so distilabel comes with a builtin function that can be used to achieve the same behavior:

from distilable.pipeline import sample_n_steps

sample_two_steps = sample_n_steps(2)

Running the pipeline


Before running the Pipeline we can check if the pipeline is valid using the Pipeline.dry_run() method. It takes the same parameters as the run method which we will discuss in the following section, plus the batch_size we want the dry run to use (by default set to 1).

with Pipeline("pipe-name", description="My first pipe") as pipeline:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    distiset = pipeline.dry_run(parameters=..., batch_size=1)

After testing, we can now execute the full Pipeline using the method.

with Pipeline("pipe-name", description="My first pipe") as pipeline:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    distiset =
            "load_dataset": {
                "repo_id": "distilabel-internal-testing/instruction-dataset-mini",
                "split": "test",
            "text_generation_with_gpt-4-0125-preview": {
                "llm": {
                    "generation_kwargs": {
                        "temperature": 0.7,
                        "max_new_tokens": 512,
            "text_generation_with_mistral-large-2402": {
                "llm": {
                    "generation_kwargs": {
                        "temperature": 0.7,
                        "max_new_tokens": 512,
            "text_generation_with_gemini-1.0-pro": {
                "llm": {
                    "generation_kwargs": {
                        "temperature": 0.7,
                        "max_new_tokens": 512,

But if we run the pipeline above, we will see that the run method will fail:

ValueError: Step 'text_generation_with_gpt-4-0125-preview' requires inputs ['instruction'], but only the inputs=['prompt', 'completion', 'meta'] are available, which means that the inputs=['instruction'] are missing or not available
when the step gets to be executed in the pipeline. Please make sure previous steps to 'text_generation_with_gpt-4-0125-preview' are generating the required inputs.

This is because, before actually running the pipeline, we must ensure each step has the necessary input columns to be executed. In this case, the TextGeneration task requires the instruction column, but the LoadDataFromHub step generates the prompt column. To solve this, we can use the output_mappings or input_mapping arguments of individual Steps, to map columns from one step to another.

with Pipeline("pipe-name", description="My first pipe") as pipeline:
    load_dataset = LoadDataFromHub(
        output_mappings={"prompt": "instruction"}


If we execute the pipeline again, it will run successfully and we will have a Distiset with the outputs of all the leaf steps of the pipeline which we can push to the Hugging Face Hub.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    distiset =
    distiset.push_to_hub("distilabel-internal-testing/instruction-dataset-mini-with-generations") with a dataset

Note that in most cases if you don't need the extra flexibility the GeneratorSteps bring you, you can create a dataset as you would normally do and pass it to the method directly. Look at the highlighted lines to see the updated lines:

import random
from distilabel.llms import MistralLLM, OpenAILLM, VertexAILLM
from distilabel.pipeline import Pipeline, routing_batch_function
from distilabel.steps import GroupColumns
from distilabel.steps.tasks import TextGeneration

def sample_two_steps(steps: list[str]) -> list[str]:
    return random.sample(steps, 2)

dataset = load_dataset(

with Pipeline("pipe-name", description="My first pipe") as pipeline:
    tasks = []
    for llm in (
            TextGeneration(name=f"text_generation_with_{llm.model_name}", llm=llm)

    combine_generations = GroupColumns(
        columns=["generation", "model_name"],
        output_columns=["generations", "model_names"],

    sample_two_steps >> tasks >> combine_generations

if __name__ == "__main__":
    distiset =

Stopping the pipeline

In case you want to stop the pipeline while it's running, you can press Ctrl+C or Cmd+C depending on your OS (or send a SIGINT to the main process), and the outputs will be stored in the cache. Pressing an additional time will force the pipeline to stop its execution, but this can lead to losing the generated outputs for certain batches.


If for some reason, the pipeline execution stops (for example by pressing Ctrl+C), the state of the pipeline and the outputs will be stored in the cache, so we can resume the pipeline execution from the point where it was stopped.

If we want to force the pipeline to run again without can, then we can use the use_cache argument of the method:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    distiset ={...}, use_cache=False)


For more information on caching, we refer the reader to the caching section.

Adjusting the batch size for each step

Memory issues can arise when processing large datasets or when using large models. To avoid this, we can use the input_batch_size argument of individual tasks. TextGeneration task will receive 5 dictionaries, while the LoadDataFromHub step will send 10 dictionaries per batch:

from distilabel.llms import MistralLLM, OpenAILLM, VertexAILLM
from distilabel.pipeline import Pipeline
from distilabel.steps import GroupColumns, LoadDataFromHub
from distilabel.steps.tasks import TextGeneration

with Pipeline("pipe-name", description="My first pipe") as pipeline:
    load_dataset = LoadDataFromHub(
        output_mappings={"prompt": "instruction"},

    for llm in (
        task = TextGeneration(
            name=f"text_generation_with_{llm.model_name.replace('.', '-')}",


Serializing the pipeline

Sharing a pipeline with others is very easy, as we can serialize the pipeline object using the save method. We can save the pipeline in different formats, such as yaml or json:

if __name__ == "__main__":"pipeline.yaml", format="yaml")
if __name__ == "__main__":"pipeline.json", format="json")

To load the pipeline, we can use the from_yaml or from_json methods:

pipeline = Pipeline.from_yaml("pipeline.yaml")
pipeline = Pipeline.from_json("pipeline.json")

Serializing the pipeline is very useful when we want to share the pipeline with others, or when we want to store the pipeline for future use. It can even be hosted online, so the pipeline can be executed directly using the CLI.

Visualizing the pipeline

We can visualize the pipeline using the Pipeline.draw() method. This will create a mermaid graph, and return the path to the image.

path_to_image = pipeline.draw(

Within notebooks, we can simply call pipeline and the graph will be displayed. Alternatively, we can use the Pipeline.draw() method to have more control over the graph visualization and use IPython to display it.

from IPython.display import Image, display


Let's now see how the pipeline of the fully working example looks like.


Fully working example

To sum up, here is the full code of the pipeline we have created in this section. Note that you will need to change the name of the Hugging Face repository where the resulting will be pushed, set OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable, set MISTRAL_API_KEY and have gcloud installed and configured:

from distilabel.llms import MistralLLM, OpenAILLM, VertexAILLM
from distilabel.pipeline import Pipeline
from distilabel.steps import GroupColumns, LoadDataFromHub
from distilabel.steps.tasks import TextGeneration

with Pipeline("pipe-name", description="My first pipe") as pipeline:
    load_dataset = LoadDataFromHub(
        output_mappings={"prompt": "instruction"},

    combine_generations = GroupColumns(
        columns=["generation", "model_name"],
        output_columns=["generations", "model_names"],

    for llm in (
        task = TextGeneration(
            name=f"text_generation_with_{llm.model_name.replace('.', '-')}", llm=llm

if __name__ == "__main__":
    distiset =
            "load_dataset": {
                "repo_id": "distilabel-internal-testing/instruction-dataset-mini",
                "split": "test",
            "text_generation_with_gpt-4-0125-preview": {
                "llm": {
                    "generation_kwargs": {
                        "temperature": 0.7,
                        "max_new_tokens": 512,
            "text_generation_with_mistral-large-2402": {
                "llm": {
                    "generation_kwargs": {
                        "temperature": 0.7,
                        "max_new_tokens": 512,
            "text_generation_with_gemini-1.0-pro": {
                "llm": {
                    "generation_kwargs": {
                        "temperature": 0.7,
                        "max_new_tokens": 512,